May 16, 2018
New Firmware for Reiner JetStamp 970 Graphic

Hello our customers,
Reiner has announce new firmware update for Reiner JetStamp 970 GRAPHIC.
Please follow this instruction how to do it :
- Make sure that PCset GRAPHIC is not active on your PC.
- Connect 970 with your PC via USB cable. (LED over USB connection is green?)
- Make sure that selector wheel is set to position 1.
- Open link for jetStamp graphic 970:
- Find new one and Click to REINER Firmware jetStamp graphic 970– V*.*0 DOWNLOAD
- After downloaded this file, click to EXE File.
- It will open a window that say “Firmware update” (Make sure that PCset Graphic is not active on your PC!) Click OK
- Wait until update is finished.
- Following window say “firmware successful updated” will open when update is finished: Click OK
Thats it!
if there is any question concerning this, please use contact form to contact us or directly email to us.